The Irish Veteran Cyclists Association Blog

Leisure League update

The 100 in 8 took place on Sunday, 7 August and we’ll bring you a short report on that event soon.  In the meantime, attached is a report on the previous round of the Leisure League, held in July.  The report is courtesy of Tony Pearson.

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100 in 8

The IVCA’s 100 in 8 tour takes place next Sunday, 7th August.  With road racing taking a break this weekend, we’re hoping for a good turn out for the touring event.  Even if you only want to ride part of the way, our touring members would be glad of the company and shelter from the wind as they take on this challenge.  Remember though – it is a tour and not a race.

Covering 100 miles in 8 hours is one of cycling’s major standard touring challenges and has been a feature on the IVCA events calendar for many years.  An engraved Silver Medal is awarded each year to any member completing the 50 in 4, the Wicklow 200 and the 100 in 8.

This year’s event will start from the Grasshopper Inn in Clonee (not the Phoenix Park as indicated in the published calendar, out of safety considerations).  Sign on is at 8:30am for a 9:00am start.  The route will go in the direction of Bracetown, Ratoath, Kentstown, Navan, Athboy and on to Delvin for a tea stop.  The return journey is through Killucan, Ratharney, Rathmolyon, and Summerhill to Clonee.

A map of the route is available hereThanks are due to Jimmy Murphy and Tony Pearson for arranging this route and marking the major turns along the way.
The cost of the tea and sandwiches in Delvin will be in the region of €5.00.
We would ask as many members as possible to support this tour in our 50th Anniversary year.


Dylan Delivers

In an exciting finish to the Henry Whelan Memorial over four laps of The Curragh circuit, Dylan Rafter delivered a stunning sprint to beat Paul McKenna and Fearghal Regan to the line.  Long-time race leader and last year’s winner, Sean Lally, had the misfortune to puncture at the start of the last lap, and this changed the dynamics of the race heading into the final climbs of Boston Hill and Dunmurray Hill.  In the end, it came down to a sprint between a small group of riders with Dylan taking the honours.

Race results are available here.

It was great to see members of Henry Whelan’s family at the race finish today, to present the trophy to the winner.

Thanks, as ever, to the race marshals, drivers and outriders who make such a big contribution to our racing.

Dylan Rafter

Sat TT_09. 10 TT, Johnstown Bridge.

I fine morning but still a pesky breeze to contend with. This is a great venue and a good sporting course but it’s bloody hard and no place for PB’s or the like.
Fourteen riders plus Ger and Paul on timing duty.
I said no place for PB’s but actually Sean managed one to take a handicap win. Well done.
Just one more Saturday TT to go. TTcom are considering moving the last one, on Aug. 20th, to Kilcock in search of more speed so watch this space for a decision.

Henry Whelan Memorial

This Sunday’s race (31 July) is the Henry Whelan Memorial.  This race will be run as an Age CP over 4 laps of The Curragh circuit, with riders heading off in 5-year age groups (the oldest riders starting first).  The time gaps for Age CPs (based on a 50 mile race) are published in a previous post on this website.  Times will be adjusted pro-rata to take account of the shorter distance of this Sunday’s race (70 km).

The late Henry Whelan was Chair of the IVCA in the early 2000s and was hugely encouraging to new members.  He joined Orwell Wheelers in 1948 at the age of 15 and was a keen road and track man.  In the late 1940s and early 1950s, grass track racing was in vogue and cycling events were regularly held as part of Athletics meetings in Lansdowne Road and College Park, as well as elsewhere throughout the country.

Henry stopped cycling for 30 years due to family and business commitments, but returned to the sport in the 1980s through the IVCA and was a central figure in the Association up to the time of his passing.  He was a great fan of sprinter Mario Cippolini and got to meet the great man in 1998 when the Tour de France visited Dublin.


Age CP Gaps

The following are the handicaps for Age CPs, as approved by the membership in 2014

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Next event – Millennium Cup

Next Sunday’s race, 24th July, takes place in Monasterevin.  Race 2 will compete for the Millennium Cup, with League points up for grabs in all three races.  (Race 1 competed for the Dermot McGrath trophy earlier in the year, while Race 3 will compete for the Sonny Cullen memorial in August).

As ever, first race is off at 9 am, with sign-on closing at 8.45 am sharp.  Marshals should report to sign-on 30 minutes before the start.  A reminder that changing facilities and toilets are available in the GAA clubhouse, with the entrance facing the football pitch (on the opposite side of the building to the car park).

TTL_08. Al Fresco Shield 25 TT, Moy Valley, 19/07/16.

A brisk south easterly made for a tough trip but we should be thankful for being dry ( weatherwise ) and hot ( too hot 🙁 , hard to please aren’t we ) on the hottest day of 2016. What chance is there for a float day on 7th August for the 50 TT Champs and September 18th for the options day.

A good turnout of twenty riders and a full compliment of  twelve marshals plus our two timekeepers made for a safe and stress free evening, in spite of a clash with the trial races at Mondello Park,  thanks to all .

Hugh continued his great form to take the age standard win followed by Ciara and Noel.

Three riders beat handicap with Ciara out front with her super 1:0:54, a 4.6 % improvement which also sets a new ladies Age Standard (43) record. Hearty congratulations.

Next event on the TT calendar is next Saturday week, 30th July at Johnstown Cross. We need a float day for that also !!



Busy Tuesday for IVCA racing

This Tuesday, 19th July is a busy one on the IVCA calendar.

For the Time Triallers amongst us, the Alfresco Shield 25TT start at Moyvalley, on the old Galway Road past Enfield.  First rider off at 7.15pm.  Marshals please be there at least 30min before this time.

For the Road Racing addicts, this year we are trialling an event in Mondello Park, Naas, Co Kildare.

This will be run in a two race format with RED, PURPLE, BLUE & GREEN away at 7pm at 1 minute intervals. Distance will be 45min +2laps.  Sign-on opens at 6.15 pm and closes at 6.45 pm sharp for this race.

WHITE, ORANGE & BLACK groups are away at 8pm at 1 minute intervals. Distance 45min +2laps.

Sign on closes at 7.45pm sharp.

There will be a Sign On fee for this race of €5 per entry.   This is to cover the hire of the track.  These races do not form part of the Road Race League, but should nonetheless make for a fascinating and fast evening’s racing.

Finally, many thanks are due to our friends in Tullamore for organising a great day’s racing last Sunday. A lot of work went in to organising the racing and the post-race refreshments.  It was much appreciated by all participants.

Sat TT_08. 10 TT, Johnstown Bridge.

Yet another wet and windy TT day seemed to keep a lot of folks in the bed.
Just ten turned out to ride and a full compliment of Timekeepers and Marshals so thanks to all.
Ian gave the rest of us a chance by marshaling 🙂 Pat byrne took the honors on age standard whilst newcomer to IVCA time trialing Ken O’Neill was fastest with 23:22, just 12 seconds ahead of Pat. Pat also got closest to handicap but needless to say there were no improvers on another tough day.

Next TT outing is the Al Fresco Shield 25on Tuesday 19th July, which all should know by now has been moved to Moy Valley in favour of the better course and availability of the HQ facilities at Mother Hubbards.

PS. IVCA Kit. I have nearly enough orders for skin suits to reach minimum order quantity but could do with a couple more to proceed. I can recommend the new design, as modeled in the featured image, ( on me, not Mick 🙂 ), but of course in IVCA colors, it really is a sleek piece of kit and great value at €118.00..
