IVCA Members IVCA Safety Briefings – Sunday 20th March


I’d like to welcome everyone to the IVCA 2022 season, especially our new members. Our absolute priority is safety and everyone has their part to play in this. As part of getting ready for the 2022 Racing Season the Committee have been working hard putting together a Racing Calendar, a Marshalling Calendar and an Ability Matrix.

We are holding 2 Safety Briefings in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip on Sunday 20th March, one from 11 am to 1:30 pm and the other from 2:30pm to 4:00pm. It is imperative that you attend one of these briefings as we will require you to sign in for insurance purposes. You will not be able to race otherwise. As the doors will close soon after the start of the briefings you will not be able to attend mid-session so please be on time.  We will give talks on Safety, Medical and other important issues. The Race Calendar, The Marshalling Calendar and the Ability Matrix will be available to view at the briefings and will be published on the website thereafter.

After the talks, you will be able to pick up your race numbers. We are not handing out any race numbers for you to take back to your colleagues.

All queries to racecom@theivca.com


Race Comm.