Membership Code of Conduct

Irish Veteran Cyclists Association

Company Limited by Guarantee

Code of Conduct for members of the Irish Veteran Cyclists Association

Members of the Irish Veteran Cyclists Association (hereafter referred to as “the IVCA” or “the Association”) are required to abide by the Constitution of the IVCA and any bye laws, rules, regulations or policies of the Association, including this Code of Conduct.  The Code is intended to uphold the ethos of the IVCA by ensuring our members conduct themselves in a manner which is respectful of the Association itself, all other members, and other parties with whom we come into contact in the course of our activities (e.g. local communities whose facilities we use).

Under this Code of Conduct, each member is required to:

  • Act always in the best interests of the IVCA and its members.
  • Treat other members in a respectful and courteous manner.
  • Respect the right of other members to participate in the activities of the Association without fear of harassment, bullying, abuse or intimidation, regardless of an individual’s gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic background, colour, disability, political opinion or age.
  • Participate in competitive and non-competitive events in a sporting and friendly manner.
  • Be mindful of the safety of fellow participants and other road users at all times and do nothing to put the safety of others at risk.
  • Abide by the Rules of the Road and follow the instructions of event organisers, marshals and other officiating parties.
  • Refrain from any acts of violence, threats or insults against other members, other road users, or communities with whom the IVCA engages.
  • Avoid the use of offensive language or behavior around other members, or within the communities whose amenities we use.
  • Utilise dressing room/toilet facilities where provided; if such facilities are not available, the utmost discretion must be observed to avoid offending other persons, whether members of the Association or otherwise.
  • Be respectful of the natural environment in which we participate and cause no littering.
  • Refrain from making any remarks or posting material in a public forum (including social media platforms) which could be construed as offensive, abusive, disparaging or inflammatory against the Association or individual members.

Breach of this Code of Conduct may result in the immediate suspension of a member’s participation in IVCA events until the matter has been investigated by the Board of Directors.  The Directors have the power to terminate or suspend the membership of any member who infringes any of the Bye Laws, Rules or Regulations of the Association (including this Code of Conduct), or who does anything which in the opinion of the Directors is injurious to the IVCA.

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed from time to time and any changes which are considered necessary to the Code will be brought to the attention of all members.

IVCA Board of Directors

July 2024