IVCA membership for 2018 now open
IVCA membership for 2018 is now open. There are a number of membership options available, including full racing membership, TT/track racing membership, and Non-Competitive membership (i.e. touring/leisure or Basic membership).
For Racing membership, priority is initially being offered to current and recent members. Current members should check their e-mail for information on the renewal options available. Applications are now accepted on-line, by following the instructions in the e-mail. If they prefer, members can download and return forms from the Membership page on this website.
The closing date for Racing membership applications is 1 February 2018 and will be strictly applied.
Due to safety considerations, there will be a limited number of places available for new racing members in the IVCA in 2018. For those interested in joining the IVCA as a racing member for the first time, a Pre-membership Application form must be completed; the form is available here. The final determination regarding the number of available places for new IVCA racing members will be made in February 2018. Applicants will be considered on the basis of the date of receipt of their pre-application form. All potential new racing members will also be required to attend an accreditation session in February before their participation in the IVCA is approved.
Applications from non-competitive members (i.e. touring/leisure riders) will be accepted at any stage, but insurance cover only applies from the date of application. Forms are available on the Membership page.