AGM – Sunday 20th September 2020, 2.30pm – Zoom Only

Notice of Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting of Irish Veteran Cyclists Association, Company Limited by Guarantee, takes place on:

Sunday 20th September 2020
commencing at 2.30pm


Please pre-register, via the details already emailed to members. Due to public health guidelines, the AGM is by Zoom only.

Based on information received, the IVCA understands that the General Scheme of the Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies (Covid-19)(Amendment) Bill 2020 allows for Companies hold electronic meetings while complying with the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.

This is an important event in the IVCA’s calendar and it is important that as many people as possible attend to ensure that we have a quorum and to contribute to the discussion to help develop the organisation in the year ahead.

The formal AGM, which deals with the IVCA’s affairs in its capacity as a company, will be followed immediately afterwards by a meeting to allow members to discuss sporting activities (i.e. racing, touring, Wicklow 200) and other operational matters of the IVCA.

The Agenda and proposals which have been tabled for discussion at the separate meeting on sporting activities (i.e. racing, touring) and other operational matters of the IVCA which will follow the AGM.

The following members are presenting themselves for election to the Board of Directors of the company for the next 12 months:

Mick Davis*
Terry Ryan*
Ger Madden*
Ian Cassidy*
Quentin Jansen*
Stephen Bradley
Thomas O’Connell
Brendan Culleton
(* Current Directors)

The election of each of these nominees will be voted on separately.
Brian McNamara and Ciara Ni Fhlathartaigh are retiring from the Board this year.

Board of the Irish Veteran Cyclists Association CLG