Monthly Archive: October 2017

Awards ceremony set for 12th November

The annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner will take place on Sunday, 12th November, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, commencing at 2.30 pm.

This is a great end-of-season social event and provides an opportunity to catch up with fellow members to discuss the year just gone.  No doubt, there will be many tales of the victory that just got away, or the rider who was just about to launch a blistering attack but had a mechanical.

And, yes, there will be prizes to award, too, to the many winners across racing, touring and track events in 2017.

Further details will be made available closer to the event, but put the date in your diary now.  We hope to see as many people as possible in attendance – all members and partners are welcome.  The cost of the 3-course meal is €25. Camaraderie is free.






Gerry Brannigan Memorial Ride – 15th October

Next Sunday, 15th October, sees the running of the annual Gerry Brannigan Memorial Ride.  Gerry was a very popular member of Orwell Wheelers and the IVCA who died suddenly in October 2006, aged just 52 years.

Sign-on for this event will be open from 08:40 until 10:15 at The Grasshopper Inn, Clonee.  Roll-out is at 10.30 am.

The entry fee is €20 and all monies raised will be lodged into the Gerry Brannigan Benevolent Fund. This fund has assisted a number of cyclists and their families since 2007 in times of death or serious injuries to support them through difficult times.

Two routes will be available – 60kms and 35kms. Both routes will be marked and supervised at all junctions. Raffle and Refreshments will be available after the event in the Grasshopper Inn.  Please show your support for this very worthy cause.

Further details can be found on the Orwell Wheelers website here.


Evelyn times it right!

Evelyn Doyle was the worthy winner of the Joe Hoare Trophy on Sunday, 8th October.

This touring event was run in cloudy and sometimes rainy conditions over a 61 km course, starting and finishing at the Grasshopper Inn in Clonee.  It was good to see some racing members turn out to support the tour.

The Joe Hoare trophy is awarded to the rider completing the course closest to their estimated time.  Evelyn was the only one of the 9 riders to finish within one minute of their estimated time.  She completed the course 40 seconds faster than her estimate.  Second place went to the 2016 winner, Seamus Brennan, who was 2 mins 12 secs outside his estimated time, while Philip Brogan was third, finishing 4 mins 16 secs off his time.

Two riders – Philip Brogan and Tony Pearson – rode all 10 events in the Leisure League and finished on 29 points.  However, as Philip finished closer to his estimated time in the Joe Hoare event, he takes the overall trophy on a tie-break.  Tony Pearson finishes second overall in the Leisure League on 29 points, with Evelyn Doyle third on 27 points.

Well done to all concerned.


Swan flies fastest up hill

Barry Swan was the clear winner of the IVCA Hill Climb on an overcast and misty day on 1st October.  The only rider to break 8 minutes this year, Barry was the deserving winner on the 3 km climb of the Long Hill at Kilmacanogue.  Second place went to Aidan McKenna, with third place going to Joe Sheehy, who was riding the event for the first time.

An equally clear winner in on Handicap time was Terry Ferris who took a massive 47 seconds off his handicap time.  Second place in this category went to Colm Cassidy (-28 secs), with third place going to Hugh Davis (-14 secs).

Full results are provided below.

2017-hill-climb [gview file=””]


Terry Ferris (Left) winner on handicap time, and Barry Swan (right), fastest rider on the day

Next Event – Joe Hoare Reliability Trial

The final round of the Leisure League, the Joe Hoare Reliability Trial, takes place next Sunday, 8th October, at 10 am.  The event starts from the Grasshopper Inn, Clonee.

This is a touring event where the route is only announced at the start and participants are asked to nominate their estimated time for completing the course.  The Joe Hoare trophy is awarded to the rider with the time closest to his/her estimated time.  The route is typically 35-40 miles in distance.

All IVCA members are welcome to join in this end-of-season spin.