Monthly Archive: July 2017

Sat TT_09. Ten mile TT at KIlcock.

The shift to Kilcock seems to have been a good move with 50% of the starters beating handicap. We were blessed with a fine morning though not a float one, nevertheless the wind was in the most favorable direction for the course.
Best on Handicap ( and first and only road bike ) was William Parnell who smashed his handicap out of the park. Well done William.
Incredible close competition over the next six places, Ian O’Hara and Sean Darragh in second and third respectively.

Best on age standard and the fastest time of the day went to Joe Sheehy with a super 22:03 and an age standard plus of 3:55 which is up in Ian Cassidy class. First and only lady Ciara Kinch on plus 3:18 in second place on age standard, another elite performance. Third on plus 2:37 was Ian O’Hara then just 22 seconds on age standard separating 3rd to 8th place. Super close competition.
A down side to the day and a story becoming frighteningly common in cycling  is Noel Guinan being, apparently deliberately, run off the road by a tractor / trailer . Thankfully Noel did not suffer injury but his bike did.
It’s for incidents like this that I recommend the use of the Fly6 rear light / video camera. They are not cheap but in a case like this, invaluable, as the whole incident would have been available for a complaint to Gardaí.
Thanks to Harry and the full compliment of marshals ( maybe we need one on the junction of the incident in future ) . A late Friday phone around was needed to get the marshal cover. I think next season we will need to consider making a roster of the known Saturday riders pre the start of competition to make marshal cover more predictable.
So, just one more Saturday TT left, Johnstown Bridge on August 19th. Competition is close in the league tables so there is room for changes down at the wire.

Henry Whelan Age CP 90 KM Green Sheds 30th July

 The Race Committee


Change of venue – Sat. 29th July

Please note that there is a change to the TT course advertised for next Saturday, 29th July.   The event will now be a 10 TT, held on the Kilcock course, in preference to the Rathcoffey course which saw only a very few out to ride the last time it was used.

For those members who may not have tried one of our Saturday TTs, it is highly recommended.  It’s great training, even for the road men, and you don’t have to have a time trial bike to compete.  In fact, there is even a separate “road bike” category in the League.

So why not give it a go?  The event starts at 9.30 am.  Details of sign-on are below:

Start Finish at slip road exit from R148 to Church Street. In line with traffic sign.
Proceed to Enfield roundabout. Turn with caution and retrace to finish directly opposite start.

You can also view the route by scrolling down the TT course page here.


OldVelos Vintage Classic, 10th Sept 2017

Our colleague Alex Darragh reports that the Waterford Greenway has been announced as the venue for the 3rd OldVelos Vintage Classic cycling event. The OldVelos Vintage Classic is open to riders on vintage steel racing bicycles from the 1900-1980’s.

This year’s event, on Sunday 10th September, will be based at the Coach House Café and Greenway Bike Hire on the workhouse in Kilmacthomas.  Leisure riders can choose between 10 & 20 miles Greenway routes and for the sports riders there are more challenging Comeragh routes of 60-80 miles.

All bikes must be pre 1990 in age and cyclists are encouraged to wear their vintage racing woollens or high nelly tweeds.

For the public there will be a free vintage velo expo, including racing bikes from the 1920’s-1980’s as well as a special Irish interest section.  For the riders there will be a Concours d’Elegance competition for best original and restored bicycles. We might even give a prize for the best dressed rider!!

Find out more on about the “Old Velos” phenonemon and register for your route at as places are limited on all four routes.

Extra Mondello date 26th July

The Race committee are running two extra Mondello dates this year.
This Wednesday 26th July & Next Wednesday 2nd August IS NOW CANCELLED 
There is an Entry fee of €5 for these events
Sign on open 6.15 till 7.00pm
One race CP starts at 7.15pm  one hour + 2 laps
Directions to Mondello Park

TTL_08. Al Fresco Shield 25 TT. Moy Valley.

Apologies. An error on Ed Hogan’s handicap necessitated a reprocessing of the result.

On what was one of the few decent days for TT’s this season a few fine balmy but breezy evening produced twelve beatings of handicap ( from a field of 25 riders ) with Ed Hogan taking the prestigious Al Fresco Shield and Ed. O’Brien and Pat Byrne in second and third places. Ed was way ahead with a magnificent improvement in form whilst the next three on handicap were covered by less than 1% difference in net improvement.
Similarly the next seven riders on handicap were also coved by less than 1%. Now that is what you call close competition!
Hugh Davis was winner on Age Standard with +11:36 followed by Pat Byrne
( +10:53) and Joe Sheehy +10:53 also the two being split in Pat’s favour by just 0.25 sec.
Fastest on the night was first time TTer with us, Fergal May, Welcome aboard in high fashion Fergal 🙂
A let down by three of the eight scheduled marshals without swaps being arranged was the only setback to the evening. In fact we should have had twelve for this course but the change of venue was the cause of that oversight .
Thanks as ever to Harry on the watch and also to Mrs Mongey who helped out as finish marshal, and of course to the five scheduled guys who did turn out.
Next TT, Saturday 29th July at Kilcock and hoping for a float morning. I live in unfulfilled hope !

PS. Apologies for late result posting, bit of a medical crisis at home. All OK now.

Al Fresco 25 TT Venue Change

Please be advised that 

Al Fresco 25 TT  the venue for this event tomorrow 18th July is at Mother Hubbard, Moy Valley.  Not Black Bull.
First man off 1915. 
Regards The TT Committee