Monthly Archive: February 2017

Stephen Fennell R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the sudden death of our friend and colleague, Stephen Fennell.  Stephen was a long-time member of Dublin Wheelers and of the IVCA.  He was our Race Director in 2015 and always dealt with the demands of the job in a calm and measured way.

Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.  Along with them, we will miss Stephen badly.

Funeral Arrangements are as follows:

Reposing at Rock’s Funeral Home, Swords, on Thursday evening (23rd Feb) from 4 o’c. to 6 o’c.  Removal on Friday morning to St. Finian’s Church, River Valley, arriving for 10 o’c. Mass, followed by funeral to St. Fintan’s Cemetery, Sutton.  Further details available here.



North Dublin Tour, Sunday 12th Feb

Round 2 of the Dick O’Brien Leisure League takes place on Sunday 12th February, starting from Eurocycles, Airside Shopping Centre, Swords at 10.00am sharp. 

The tour will head for Ratoath, through Curragha to the Ashbourne Road.  A right turn at Kentstown Cross brings the cyclists straight through Duleek to join the Old Belfast Road at Julianstown.

There will be a short tea stop at Apple Green on the lefthand side of the road before heading home through Stamullen and Balscadden.  The outward journey is mostly flat and there is a relatively easy climb over  Balscadden on the way home.  The distance is 85km.

It would be great to see a good turn-out again for this event following the very successful first touring event in January.

To get to Eurocycles go straight down Airside and take right turn at Airside Ford, then first left and left again (for location, click here).

Leisure League – Round 1 report

The first round of the 2017 Dick O’Brien Leisure League took place on Sunday 15th. January.  It was great to see a good turn-out for this event, with 18 IVCA members taking part.  Jimmy Murphy’s report of the tour is below.  The next round of the League will take place on Sunday, 12th February, starting from Swords.  Further details will be posted on the website shortly.

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IVCA seeking new women members

Women are very welcome to join the IVCA from the year of their 35th birthday onwards (if you are 35 at any stage of the year, you can join straight away!).  The IVCA has been in existence for over 50 years and has huge experience in touring and race organisation: the races are well organised and are run on established circuits.

Some of the benefits of joining the IVCA include:

  • an all-inclusive insurance cover for any cycling event – which also includes your daily commute;
  • entry to all leisure and (depending on membership option selected) competitive cycling events;
  • free entry to the Wicklow 200 for Leisure Members; and
  • no additional race fees for racing and TT members.

For those who cannot take time out on Sundays, Time Trials are run on Saturdays just after 9 am. The distance of the Saturday Time Trials is generally 10 miles.

Road Races are run according to ‘ability standard’ at a time of day which suits women with families. All Sunday events start just after 9 am and are finished by 11.30 am.  Tuesday evening races are run at 7.15 pm and are over by 8.30 pm.

The IVCA also caters for Leisure riders, with a League programme running throughout the year.

Women are welcome to join at any stage of the season.

For more information, please contact Ciara Kinch on with any queries.