Category: General News

IVCA Renewal procedure 2024 for current & returning members

Hi All.
IVCA MEMBERSHIP for 2024 is now open.

You will need to join Cycling Ireland first as you’ll need your 2024 CI membership number to proceed.

As a minimum, you’ll need a Limited Competition licence for Road, Track & TT .

or Leisure licence for Leisure only membership.

Then please follow these steps:

Follow this link:

Enter your CI Licence Number and Date of Birth, click the PROCEED button

NOTE – if you can’t get past this stage, contact either Cycling Ireland or Eventmaster and NOT the IVCA Race Committee. We have no control over the CI or Eventmaster sites.

Where it asks if you have an Access Key, click where it asks you to, below are the keys for each licence
enter the one for the licence type you require
        Female Leisure Member:                       IVCA2024FL
        Female Track and TT Only Member:      IVCA2024FT
        Female Road Race Member:                  IVCA2024FR
        Male Leisure Member:                            IVCA2024ML
        Male Track and TT Only Member:          IVCA2024MT
        Male Road Race Member:                      IVCA2024MR

It then asks if you have previously been a member of the IVCA  —   you click Yes
and proceed to pay the required fee.

The Closing Date for renewing Membership for current members is 4th Feb. NO EXCEPTIONS

It is compulsory on joining the IVCA that you attend one of the Safety Briefings . You will be informed by email of the dates.

At the meeting you will receive your IVCA licence and Race numbers (if applicable) .

You will also receive your marshalling slots and information on the Group you will race in.

IMPORTANT: If you join as a Road Race Member, you will receive marshal duties, so Track and TT Only members ensure to pick the correct Membership option!

Road Race Members, We will give you the option to let us know the dates that you will not be available to marshal on the IVCA Website in the next week or so.

As always if for whatever reason you cannot Marshal on a particular date, you must try and find a  replacement from  within your club.

As mentioned in the T & C on your application it is a condition that on taking up membership that you fulfill your marshalling slots and also marshal in the Wicklow200.  Failure = Penalty  = race ban.

For Returning Members, please follow the same process above. Please let the race committee know of your intention to rejoin the IVCA and we will include you on the Group Email list

Please check  the website regularly as information is frequently updated


Race Committee

2023 Hill Climb Results

Despite an unusually low turn-out for the IVCA Hill Climb on Sunday, 8th October, the competition was as intense as ever on Cromwellstown Hill outside Rathcoole.
Colin Robinson went one place better than last year, taking victory with a time of 6 mins. 3 secs., ten seconds clear of 2019 winner Paul Dolan on 6:13. Third place went to Conor Brophy on 6:35.
Ian Devlin was the best against Handicap Time. Repeating his success of last year, Ian posted a time just 7 seconds outside his handicap. Colin Robinson was second in this category, 14 seconds outside his handicap time, while third place went to William Parnell, 15 seconds off his handicap.
See the full results of the 2023 Hill Climb below.
A special word of thanks to timekeepers Harry Sherratt and Dave Cormack, marshals Michael Bolton, Terry Ferris, Phil Ormrod and Colm Cassidy, and to photographers Brendan Culleton and Ned Costello.

Hill Climb Results 2023


The IVCA Hill Climb Champs – Sunday 8th October

Hi All.
The Road Race and Time Trial Leagues may be over, but there is one last chance to flex your muscles this Sunday, 8th October in the IVCA Hill Climb.

The race takes place on Cromwellstown Hill, outside Rathcoole, over a 2.25 km course with an average gradient of 5.5% (maximum of 17%).  See the course route by clicking here.

Parking and check-in will be at the nearby Beech Park Golf Club.  You can find the location by clicking here.  Sign-on is from 10.00 am to 10.45 am, with the first rider off at 11 am. 

Refreshments and prize-giving will take place afterwards in the Golf Club. Prizes will be awarded to the three fastest riders, to the three best improvers on Handicap Time (i.e. your most recent time recorded on the hill) and to the fastest unplaced woman.  Anyone who has not ridden the Hill Climb previously on Cromwellstown Hill will ride off a handicap time of 5:38, the hill record set by Paul Dolan in 2019. 

A pre-entry form will be circulated separately by e-mail to assist with allocating start times.
 William Parnell

Dick O’Brien Leisure League – Round 7 Sunday 9th July 2023

The IVCA wish to invite members to participate in round seven of the Dick O’Brien Leisure League – The We’ll Meath Again Tour – 2023 on Sunday 9th July 2023. Sign on at the Grasshopper Pub Car Park Clonee, Co. Meath, from 08.30 am. Departure 09.00 am sharp. Total distance = 75 KM Approx.. There will be a tea stop at Summerhill as usual. All those wishing to participate must be IVCA members and or CI licence holders and the rules of the road must be observed.

Link to route on Mapmyride



Memorial mass for Gay Farnan – Saturday 25th March

Hi all,

The family of the late Gay Farnan wish to invite all members to a memorial mass in his honour on Saturday 25th march at 18.00 in the church of Our Lady Mother of the Church, Caste knock, with refreshments afterwards in Myos restaurant.

Kind regards,

Brendan Johnston – touring director 2023

New Mailing List – Check your SPAM!

Hi all

The IVCA has set up a new emailing list for the 2023 season.  You will start to receive emails from the address

Please check your spam folder if you don’t start to see emails in your Inbox over the next few days, as the Race Committee are sending out notifications in preparation for the 2023 season.

Many thanks,

Mike Haynes – Race Director

Tony O’Malley – Web Admin

IVCA Safety Briefing Dates for the 2023 Season

Hi folks,


I know you are all in the process of renewing your membership for the 2023 racing season, so I though it might be good that you know the dates of the safety briefings so you can put them in your diary.

Please therefore note the following:

Saturday 11th March (afternoon)

Tuesday 14th March (evening sessions).

Tuesday 28th March (evening sessions)

You will be notified by email of the exact times nearer the date.  All briefings will be held at the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip.

Race numbers will only be distributed at the safety briefings, and only to the competitor.  You will not be able to ask a mate to collect your number.

Best regards,

Mike Haynes

IVCA Race Director – 2023

2023 New Racing Membership and Membership Renewals

The IVCA is now open to applications from new members interested in joining the league for the 2023 racing season.  Current members are also invited to renew their membership if they intend on racing in 2023

New Members

To be considered for eligibility to race with the IVCA you are first asked to complete the pre-application form.  See the link below to access the form.

The form should be downloaded, completed, signed, scanned and returned via email to before the 18th of December 2022.

You do not need to complete any further application at this stage or send a membership fee.  We will notify you of the outcome of your application in due course.

The Pre-application Form can be found and downloaded by clicking this link 2023-IVCA-Pre-Application-form

Membership Renewals

In order to become a member of the IVCA, you must first be a member of Cycling Ireland.  Once your Cycling Ireland membership has been paid, you can renew your IVCA membership via Eventmaster. Search for IVCA 2023 Subs as an event in Eventmaster.  If you intend to race with the IVCA you can do so with a Cycling Ireland Limited Competition licence.

IVCA fees for 2023 are €160 for Road, TT, and Track or €90 for TT and Track only.

You will shortly receive an email with a unique code which must be used when paying your 2023 membership fees.

NOTE:  It is the current requirement of the IVCA that all members must attend a safety briefing.

The dates for the 2023 season safety briefings are Saturday 11th March (afternoon), Tuesday 14th March, and Tuesday 28th March (both evening sessions).

You will be notified by email of the exact times nearer the date.  All briefings will be held at the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip.


 The Race Committee

Annual Prize Giving – Sunday 27th Nov

Hi ll,
The day is fast approaching for our annual prize giving, for those who won their leagues and other events during the 2022 season as well as dinner
It is taking place again in the Springfield Hotel on Sunday 27th Nov at 2.30 pm
The cost per person is €10.00, CASH only, as we do not have facilities for taking card payment, the board has decided to subsidise it for this year.
The room can accommodate 200 people so if we reach this number you will have to look in the window at the rest of us
If you want to attend send an email to
We will need to have numbers finalised by Wednesday 23rd November

IVCA Members Updated agenda for AGM Sunday 18th September

Hi all IVCA members

Advance Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Veteran Cyclists Association Company Limited by Guarantee will take place this year on:

Sunday 18th September 2022 at Dunsany GAA Club, Dunsany, Co. Meath, commencing at 12.00pm.

As per the attached Agenda, the formal AGM will focus on the statutory affairs of the company. The formal AGM will be followed by a separate informal meeting to allow members to discuss sporting activities (i.e. racing, time trials, touring) and other operational matters of the IVCA, including the Resolutions set out below.

The following members are presenting themselves for election to the Board of Directors of the company for the next 12 months:

Dermot Moyne*
Kevin McFeely*
Brendan Culleton*
Thomas O’Connell*
Stephen Bradley*
(* Current Directors)

The election of each of these nominees will be voted on separately.

Mick Davis, Terry Ryan, Quentin Jansen and Ian Cassidy are retiring from the Board this year as they have all reached the 4 year limit after which directors must stand down from the Board in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Mick Davis intends to nominate Dermot Moyne for election as Chairman of the Board.

As there are only 5 remaining directors, we are asking for any members who are interested in joining the Board to put their names forward as soon as possible.

The following resolutions will be considered during the separate informal meeting which will follow the formal AGM.


1. That all Time Trials events, with the exception of the Saturday League events, be included on the
Marshalling Matrix and that marshals for these events be drawn from the general racing

– William Parnell.

2. That every effort should be made to avoid a calendar clash between the IVCA’s Road Race
Championship and the National Masters Championship or other significant national events, and
that changes be made to the IVCA calendar in the course of the year if such a clash of events

– William Parnell.

3. That the requirement for members to marshal the Wicklow 200 be discarded.

– Mick Usher.

4. That in the interest and safety of our membership that the minimum medical cover at events/races should be Advanced Paramedic (AP).

– Mick Usher.

5. That the medical cover at the racing events held by IVCA is a minimum of an ambulance and an Advanced Paramedic.

– Eoghan Connolly.

Administrative Secretary to the Board of the Irish Veteran Cyclists Association CLG

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