Welcome to the IVCA Zwift Time Trial League. This isn’t a Replacement for the Normal TT Leagues we Run, It will hopefully add a Bit of Racing and Focus while we’re still on Lockdown.
This is only Open to IVCA Members and a Valid IVCA No must be provided.
We will be Using Zwift On-Line Virtual Training Platform.
The Zwift Time Trial league allows Cyclists race against each other and the clock each week for the Ten Weeks . You can Select Various Different Times to complete your TT Effort. You are not limited to a Particular Day/Time but the Course must be Completed before the Sunday and your Result must be sent to
The TT Committee with a Screenshoot of your time, your IVCA 4 Digit No. Your Zwift Name, And the Event and Time you Completed it in.
The league will consist of Ten Weeks Results with a rider’s best Six results counting towards their overall standing at the end of the league.
Competitors will be ranked in an Overall League Table and in Age Standard as per Normal TT Leagues.
Races will take place on the Monday to Friday of Each week, you must complete the Specified Course from the TT Committee for that Week.
Event distances will range from 8km Hill Climb TT right up to 40km, and use Zwift’s Different courses and terrains – giving all kinds of riders a course in which to excel.
What Equipment you Need
In order to take part in the league, you will need:
A membership for Zwift (you can sign up for a free one month trial, after that it’s €14.99 per month).
A Smart Turbo Trainer or a ‘dumb’ trainer if you have a Power Meter that can be connected to Zwift.
If you also have a Speed & Cadence Sensor you can also use it.
(Speed Sensor should be fitted to the Rear Wheel)
A heart rate monitor that can send data to Zwift (Bluetooth or ANT +)
There are two separate steps you will need to undertake to race in The IVCA Zwift TT League.
1. Sign Up for Zwift and Zwift Power:
This process takes about 10mins but is very straightforward and is outlined precisely in this step by step form.
You can also watch the step by step process on this YouTube video we’ve created. (Borrowed)
2. Register with The IVCA TT Committee by Email
The TT Committee
Once you have these steps completed you are ready to race!
We are Going to Trial it for the 1st Week and see what is the best way to make it a Fun Inclusive Race Series, It won’t be won by the Rider with the Fastest Overall Time, we are looking at a combination of Increase in Power/Kg and Time Improvement over a Course, with So many Different Ages & Abilities in the IVCA we want this to be competitive for all.
Please Bear with us while we sort out a Few Different Things.
Thank You
Week 1 Monday 4th May – Sunday 10th May (Trial Week)
This week we will race on the Tempus Fugit TT course
You have Several Options per Day to Complete this Race
Because this is a time trial and dependent only on the rider’s effort (and not drafting or the pacing of others around you); as a once-off measure, we will accept all results from IVCA Members Only.
The best way to enter the race is by using the Zwift Companion App on your phone. (See Pics Below)
Using the app, find the appropriate event ( Example Zwift Time Trial Tuesday TT) by clicking on the Events icon, then filter so only Time Trial events are visible.
Next, find the event you wish to enter ( Example Zwift Time Trial Tuesday TT) and click the + icon.
By using the Zwift Companion app you will be assigned a start time – if you enter on the desktop version of Zwift you will not know this precise time and will only find out when you are setting off once you head in to the event on race day (all riders are set off individually at 10sec gaps so it can take up to half an hour to get everyone underway – the earlier you secure your entry, the earlier you set off).
To enter the race using your computer, simply click on the entry button on the race’s individual page and you will reserve a starting place. The disadvantage of this system is that you will not know your precise starting time.
Some TT events have a restricted number of places so early entry is recommended.
All riders have to be in the race starting area before the first rider sets off so even if your start time is later, please make sure you have logged in to Zwift and entered the race area well in advance.
There are two ways of confirming your entry to a race:
1. By checking the Zwift Companion App in the Events tab.
2. By checking the SignUps section of the race on ZwiftPower. (head to Events > then click on the race name . Next, click SignUps.
Note: ZwiftPower will generally not display the start list until the day of the race so if you require earlier confirmation use the Zwift Companion App.
There will be riders from all around the world in each race and not just IVCA members – this means the IVCA TT’s are a race within a race.
Overall results will appear on the IVCA Website on the Sunday Evening.
Most Zwift Time Trials will not have different categories (riders earn rankings from A to D according to their past performances). However some – including this weekend’s TT will. If this is the case, simply enter the category that you feel matches your ability in W/Kg.
Just like in the real world, cheating happens on Zwift. One of the functions of Zwift Power is to record data that can identify technology bugs or suspicious performances.
The IVCA Zwift TT League is intended to be a fun competition between athletes, Please be Honest with your Weight/Height /FTP in your Zwift profile. We do however we reserve the right to exclude a rider from a particular race under the following criteria:
WKG: Exceeded category power limits
UPG: Please upgrade; rider has proven ability to race in higher category
ZP: We will allow Zpower sources of power data however this is prohibited in this category/finishing position so we need to see a Photo/Screen Shot of your Result
HR: Heart rate monitor required in this category/finishing position
ZRVG: ZADA disqualification
5W: 5-minute power exceeded 6 w/kg without ZADA approval
REGN: Unregistered rider, would have originally finished in Nth place if not disqualified
15S Exceeded 15-second w/kg limit
DQ: Disqualified for other reason
Excluded riders will be allowed to compete in subsequent races without prejudice and previous results will continue to stand.
Open the Zwift Companion App, follow the screen shots from left to right to filter for TT races, and join Event