Sat TT_08. 10 TT, Johnstown Bridge.

Yet another wet and windy TT day seemed to keep a lot of folks in the bed.
Just ten turned out to ride and a full compliment of Timekeepers and Marshals so thanks to all.
Ian gave the rest of us a chance by marshaling 🙂 Pat byrne took the honors on age standard whilst newcomer to IVCA time trialing Ken O’Neill was fastest with 23:22, just 12 seconds ahead of Pat. Pat also got closest to handicap but needless to say there were no improvers on another tough day.

Next TT outing is the Al Fresco Shield 25on Tuesday 19th July, which all should know by now has been moved to Moy Valley in favour of the better course and availability of the HQ facilities at Mother Hubbards.

PS. IVCA Kit. I have nearly enough orders for skin suits to reach minimum order quantity but could do with a couple more to proceed. I can recommend the new design, as modeled in the featured image, ( on me, not Mick 🙂 ), but of course in IVCA colors, it really is a sleek piece of kit and great value at €118.00..


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