IVCA 10 TT Championship, Moy valley, 28/05/16.
All went off well with the use of Mother Hubbards as HQ a great improvement on the previous location. Several of us went in for refreshments post race. This facility really adds to the enjoyment although obviously many have to get back to family commitments. We had a slightly disappointing turnout of just 23 riders but a full compliment of marshals to whom thanks. Also to our timekeepers without whom we have no time trials.
We had a fine morning, 14c, but with a nuisance of North Easterly blowing to make the outward leg difficult and by no means a free ride home.
Congratulations are due to :-
Neil Delahaye on the win on Age Standard and also fastest actual with a great time of 20:55.
Second on Age and actual was Paul Dolan with 21:55, good enough for second handicap also.
Third on age standard and handicap, Ciara Kinch, with a fine ride of 24:05.
Aiden Yates was third fastest with 23:25.
First handicap went to Colm Conway who was the best of the five improvers on the day.
This Moy Valley course is not great and the road surface is deteriorating. I am hopeful that our next outing to Johnstown Bridge will confirm that to be our best ten mile course.
Saturday next, 4th June we are back to Rathcoffey for a shot at an odd distance TT of about 22 km which should be interesting. This is to avoid the rather tight start / fin we used for the ten there which we have deemed unsafe. The start is just past the Clane boundary at a very good and wide start fin area.
Apologies to Noel Conway who’s finish time was inadvertently omitted from yesterdays result.
Noel finished 3rd fastest in a time of 22:15 so unfortunately Aiden and the rest of us get pushed down a place. Noels time, also a PB gained him 4th on handicap again pushing Deanne and the rest of us down a place.
Revised result publishing follows this message.