Gay Farnan Memorial Tour details

The Gay Farnan Memorial Tour takes place on Sunday, 9th September, starting from Dunsany GAA Club at 9.30 am.  This event is open to IVCA members and friends.  The tour forms part of the IVCA Leisure League, so there is no cost to members.  There is, however, a small €10 entry fee for non-IVCA members to cover insurance and ancillary costs.

Gay Farnan was Touring Director of the IVCA for many years and was a key part of the team that built up the Wicklow 200 and the West Wicklow 100 tours.  Gay sadly passed away in 2017.  However, we are delighted to remember him through this new tour, which replaces the West Wicklow on the calendar.  We hope there will be a good turn-out from all members – racing and touring alike – for this end of season wind-down.

There are two routes available – 40 Km and 70 Km and are shown on the file below.

Please note the following:

  • This is a tour, not a race.
  • The Rules of the Road must be obeyed at all times and all participants must wear helmets.
  • The routes have been marked on the road at the main junctions.
  • The event is not marshalled, so extra care should be taken at all junctions.
  • All participants should be able to carry out basic maintenance on their bike in the event of punctures or minor mechanical problems.
  • There will be refreshments at the finish, but no official coffee stop en route.  However, there are cafes and service stations along the route in Trim, Longwood, Enfield – and Summerhill for the shorter route.

To zoom in on the 70 K route, click here (70k).  To zoom in on the 40K route, click here (40k)

We hope that as many members as possible will come out to support this event on 9th September.



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