IVCA Track Meets

You may have noticed that we are running 2 evening track meetings this year in addition to our track championships.

The meetings will cater for all vets age and ability groups and there will be RRL pionts and prizes on offer.
To ride the track you need  accreditation   and this is a very simple and straightforward affair. Its purpose is to make sure everyone has a firm grasp of the principles of riding the track safely. 
The dates for accreditation are ;
Sat 6th May 2pm
Sat 27th May 2pm
our 1st evening meeting is Wed 21st June and 2nd is Sat 24th June 2 pm.
Accreditation costs are €10 or unwaged €5. Track bike hire is available €5 or unwaged € 2.   Hire bikes are equipped with LOOK keo pedals,
L👀k forward to seeing you at Sundrive Velodrme soon.
if further information is needed contact racecomm2017’@theivca.com.

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