Category: CHAIN GANG

Delay to start of IVCA Road Race Season – Coranvirus Covid 19

As a consequence of the escalating Covid-19 situation the Board of Directors of the IVCA has decided to delay the start of the Road Racing season until after Easter at the very earliest.

We are hoping to begin the season on Sunday 19th April as per the published Calendar available to view on the IVCA website.

This of course is liable to change  depending on advice available at the time from the Government / HSE.

We will keep everyone  informed with updates on the website as the situation progresses, so we would ask members to check the website regularly. Please be aware that there will most likely be an impact on the marshalling matrix, so please keep an eye on the IVCA website for changes to your marshalling slots that may occur.

We would be grateful if you could share this information with your fellow members, and would ask all members to check the HSE website regularly for updates on the national recommendations with regard to public health measures.


Cycling Ireland cancel all events up to and including March 29th:

Cycling Ireland – update on Corona Virus

IVCA update on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The IVCA has been monitoring the escalating situation with regards to the spread of the Coronavirus closely in recent days and weeks. 

In addition to the virus being of major concern to the public at large, a significant portion of the IVCA membership are also in the “at risk” category as defined by the HSE.

We wish to advise members of the following guidelines that are publicly available as they apply to cycling, from bodies including Cycling Ireland and the HSE.


Cycling Ireland cancel all events up to and including March 29th:

Cycling Ireland – update on Corona Virus

Cycling Ireland – cancellation of cycling events

We would ask all members to follow the advice given in the above, and to check back at the above websites regularly / daily as the situation evolves, and check regularly with the IVCA website should further measures have to be taken as deemed advisable based on the HSE advice.

We would be grateful if you could share this information with your fellow members.


The Board of Directors of the IVCA

*Additional Safety Briefing Meeting for Racing Members who have not attended previous meetings *

The Race Committee has been busily working away over the last number of weeks to put together a full programme of racing events for 2020.

As has been the case for the last number of years, we will be holding a Race Safety Briefing Day for all racing members where race safety protocols will be presented, as well as the opportunity to collect numbers, and membership cards, and information on the race calendar and marshalling rosters will be available also.

The Safety Briefing is an important aspect of the IVCA Risk Management procedures, and forms an essential part of the documentation and obligations of the IVCA under its policies, in particular with regard to its Insurances policies held. The aim of the Safety Briefing is to ensure that the following topics are covered per the following agenda:

– That the Rules of the Road are to be observed at all times

– Responsible riding by all participants in all events

– the role of the Marshalls

– That all riders are riding under disclaimer, as stated in the application forms for joining the IVCA. All riders are electing to participate in any event entirely at their own risk.

– that documentation of attendees at the Safety Briefing meetings be retained, such documentation being evidence that all attendees have received adequate notification and awareness of the risks and their responsibilities when participating in any IVCA event

The Safety Briefing will take place on:

Sunday 8th March in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.

If you have not attended one of the 2 previous safety meetings then you must attend the above.

All members will be required to sign in, and under no circumstances shall members be allowed to pick up another member’s race pack.

As our members will appreciate, given the very large increase in premium, attaining insurance cover for the IVCA for this year has been both an expensive and difficult process. The Safety Briefing is an important obligation for members to fulfil in connection with our insurance cover, and for this reason, any racing member who fails to attend a Safety Briefing in advance of the commencement of the season may have their licence and membership revoked.

Race numbers/packs can only be collected at this event. They will not under any circumstances be distributed on the morning of the first race. Remember – no race number, no race.

The Race Committee would be grateful if you could please make your fellow race members aware of this event.

All queries to the Race Committee

*AGENDA* – IVCA Race Safety Briefing: All Racing Members’ Attendance Required: 29 Feb/1st March 2020

Please see the document attached for the agenda for the Safety Briefings:

The Race Committee has been busily working away over the last number of weeks to put together a full programme of racing events for 2020.

As has been the case for the last number of years, we will be holding a Race Safety Briefing Day for all racing members where race safety protocols will be presented, as well as the opportunity to collect numbers, and membership cards, and information on the race calendar and marshalling rosters will be available also.

The Safety Briefing is an important aspect of the IVCA Risk Management procedures, and forms an essential part of the documentation and obligations of the IVCA under its policies, in particular with regard to its Insurances policies held. The aim of the Safety Briefing is to ensure that the following topics are covered:

– That the Rules of the Road are to be observed at all times

– Responsible riding by all participants in all events

– the role of the Marshalls

– That all riders are riding under disclaimer, as stated in the application forms for joining the IVCA. All riders are electing to participate in any event entirely at their own risk.

– that documentation of attendees at the Safety Briefing meetings be retained, such documentation being evidence that all attendees have received adequate notification and awareness of the risks and their responsibilities when participating in any IVCA event

The Safety Briefing will take place on:

Saturday 29th February, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.
Sunday 1st March, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.

All racing members must attend one of the above.

All members will be required to sign in, and under no circumstances shall members be allowed to pick up another member’s race pack.

As our members will appreciate, given the very large increase in premium, attaining insurance cover for the IVCA for this year has been both an expensive and difficult process. The Safety Briefing is an important obligation for members to fulfil in connection with our insurance cover, and for this reason, any racing member who fails to attend a Safety Briefing in advance of the commencement of the season may have their licence and membership revoked.

Race numbers/packs can only be collected at this event. They will not under any circumstances be distributed on the morning of the first race. Remember – no race number, no race.

The Race Committee would be grateful if you could please make your fellow race members aware of this event.

All queries to the Race Committee please – racecom@theivca.comSHARE

*REMINDER* – IVCA Race Safety Briefing: All Racing Members’ Attendance Required: 29 Feb/1st March 2020

The Race Committee has been busily working away over the last number of weeks to put together a full programme of racing events for 2020.

As has been the case for the last number of years, we will be holding a Race Safety Briefing Day for all racing members where race safety protocols will be presented, as well as the opportunity to collect numbers, and membership cards, and information on the race calendar and marshalling rosters will be available also.

The Safety Briefing is an important aspect of the IVCA Risk Management procedures, and forms an essential part of the documentation and obligations of the IVCA under its policies, in particular with regard to its Insurances policies held. The aim of the Safety Briefing is to ensure that the following topics are covered per the following agenda:

– That the Rules of the Road are to be observed at all times

– Responsible riding by all participants in all events

– the role of the Marshalls

– That all riders are riding under disclaimer, as stated in the application forms for joining the IVCA. All riders are electing to participate in any event entirely at their own risk.

– that documentation of attendees at the Safety Briefing meetings be retained, such documentation being evidence that all attendees have received adequate notification and awareness of the risks and their responsibilities when participating in any IVCA event

The Safety Briefing will take place on:

Saturday 29th February, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.
Sunday 1st March, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.

All racing members must attend one of the above.

All members will be required to sign in, and under no circumstances shall members be allowed to pick up another member’s race pack.

As our members will appreciate, given the very large increase in premium, attaining insurance cover for the IVCA for this year has been both an expensive and difficult process. The Safety Briefing is an important obligation for members to fulfil in connection with our insurance cover, and for this reason, any racing member who fails to attend a Safety Briefing in advance of the commencement of the season may have their licence and membership revoked.

Race numbers/packs can only be collected at this event. They will not under any circumstances be distributed on the morning of the first race. Remember – no race number, no race.

The Race Committee would be grateful if you could please make your fellow race members aware of this event.

All queries to the Race Committee

IVCA Dick O’Brien Leisure League Round 2 – Sunday 1st March 2020: 10.00am departing from Eurocycles, Airside Retail Park, Swords


IVCA Dick O’Brien Leisure League Round 2 – 1st March 2020 10am

The 2nd Round of the 2020 Dick O’Brien Leisure League will take place on Sunday 1st March 2020.

The event will start at 10.00am departing from Eurocycles, Airside Retail Park, Swords

The distance will be approx 75km

For a route map of the tour click here:


IVCA Race Safety Briefing: All Racing Members’ Attendance Required: 29 Feb/1st March 2020

The Race Committee has been busily working away over the last number of weeks to put together a full programme of racing events for 2020.

As has been the case for the last number of years, we will be holding a Race Safety Briefing Day for all racing members where race safety protocols will be presented, as well as the opportunity to collect numbers, and membership cards, and information on the race calendar and marshalling rosters will be available also.

The Safety Briefing will take place on:
Saturday 29th February, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.
Sunday 1st March, in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, at 2.30 pm.

All racing members must attend one of the above.

As our members will appreciate, given the very large increase in premium, attaining insurance cover for the IVCA for this year has been both an expensive and difficult process. The Safety Briefing is an important obligation for members to fulfil in connection with our insurance cover, and for this reason, any racing member who fails to attend a Safety Briefing in advance of the commencement of the season may have their licence and membership revoked.

Race numbers can only be collected at this event. They will not under any circumstances be distributed on the morning of the first race. Remember – no race number, no race.

The Race Committee would be grateful if you could please make your fellow race members aware of this event.

All queries to the Race Committee please –

***CANCELLED*** Dick O’Brien Leisure League: Sun, Feb 9th, 2020: Eurocycles, Airside Retail Park at 10.00 am

***CANCELLED*** Due to Storm Ciara and Weather Warning this Event will be re-scheduled to a future date to be advised ***

The second round of the Dick O’Brien Leisure League takes place on Sunday,  February 9th 2020 with the North Dublin Tour. Departing from Eurocycles at the Airside Retail Park at 10.00 am the tour is approximately 75 KM in length, and takes in parts of North Co. Dublin and Meath. There will be a tea/coffee stop at Batterstown. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Please see following link to Map My Ride, detailing the route.